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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)


Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training

Chapter l: Standards of education and training of pharmacists

5 - 13. Requirements and conditions for pharmacy internship



(1) Any person who has completed an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacist must, must prior to registration as a pharmacist, undertake an internship in accordance with this Chapter for a period or aggregate period specified in subregulation 3;


(2) The Council may exempt a person referred to in subregulation (1), partially or in full, from the requirement of subregulation (1) on   submission of documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that the person has undertaken other relevant practical training for a period or aggregate  period equivalent to the period specified in subregulation (3).


(3) The period of internship contemplated in subregulation (1) must be for a period or aggregate period of at least 12 months.

[Regulation 5 substituted by section 6 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


6. The internship referred to in regulation 5 must be undertaken—
(a) in terms of a contract;
(b) under the direct personal supervision of a tutor;
(c) in a community pharmacy, institutional pharmacy, manufacturing pharmacy, or wholesale pharmacy which provides a minimum number of services pertaining to the scope of practice of a pharmacist as may be determined by the Council in terms of the Act, and which is approved by the Council in terms of the Act for purposes of such training; or
(d) at a provider who holds a certificate of approval for an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacist.

[Regulation 6 substituted by section 7 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


7. No person must commence an internship unless—
(a) such person has been registered as a pharmacist intern in terms of the Act;
(b) a contract has been entered into between the pharmacist intern and the tutor concerned;
(c) the pharmacy or provider at which the internship will take place has been approved by the Council in terms of section 34 of the Act; and
(d) the tutor has been registered as such.

[Regulation 7 substituted by section 8 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


8. No pharmacist, pharmacy or provider of an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacist, may employ any person as a pharmacist intern or in any other capacity which may imply or lead such person to believe that he or she is undertaking an internship, unless the requirements in regulations 6 and 7 have been complied with.

[Regulation 8 substituted by section 9 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


9. [Regulation 9 deleted by section 10 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


10. An  internship undertaken at a provider of an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacist, or in a manufacturing pharmacy or a wholesale pharmacy, must include a period of not less than 400 hours of practical training at a community or institutional pharmacy approved by the Council for such training in terms of the Act: Provided that—
(a) the tutor, referred to in regulation 6(b), must—
(i) make arrangements for the keeping of the necessary records of such training; and
(ii) inform the Council of the community or institutional pharmacy where the practical training will be undertaken;
(b) such periods of practical training must be undertaken on the basis of periods, each of which must be at least five consecutive days;
(c) there is a pharmacist at the pharmacy where practical training is undertaken who must keep records of such training;

[Regulation 10 substituted by section 11 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


11. No internship undertaken at a provider of an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of  registration as a pharmacist may be recognised in terms of the Act, unless the prospective tutor has submitted to the registrar—
(a) full particulars of the proposed post-graduate study or research to be undertaken by the prospective pharmacist intern and the post-graduate study or research has been approved by Council in terms of the Act; and
(b) documentary evidence that the prospective intern is registered at such provider for the post-graduate study or research referred to in subregulation (a).

[Regulation 11 substituted by section 12 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


12. If an intern undergoing an internship at a provider of an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a  pharmacist, contemplated in regulation 11, discontinues his or her studies or research for any reason, or ceases to be registered at that provider, he or she must receive recognition only for the period of practical training duly completed at a community or institutional pharmacy referred to in regulation 10.

[Regulation 12 substituted by section 13 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]


13. The internship of a pharmacist intern at a provider of an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacist, must be regarded as completed upon successful completion of  the required period of practical training referred to i n regulation 10 and the submission of documentary evidence to the registrar that the intern has satisfied the requirements of the provider for the awarding of  at least a master's degree.

[Regulation 13 substituted by section 14 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]