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Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70 of 2008)RegulationsRegulations for Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse, 2013AnnexuresAnnexure F : FormsForm 1 : Application to enter into contract |
(Regulation 3(2))
I, __________________________________________________________________________(full names and surname) on behalf of ..............................................................................(organisation's name and NOP number), here by apply to enter into a contract referred to in section 7(1)(c) of the Act. I provide the following services to (number) _____________________________________ persons (see attached list) at (physical address)
Service provided
Registration number
Date of establishment of service:
Number of staff delivering service (Attach register of names)
Number of beneficiaries (Attach register of names)
Physical address
Postal address
Telephone No
Cell No.
Fax |
I declare that the above information is true and correct. I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of pertinent information may be considered as sufficient grounds for rejecting the application.
__________________________ _____________________________
Signature of applicant
Place _________________________________ Date ______________
Documents to be attached to the form
• | Business plan of organization and a list of services rendered by organization |
• | Names and certified copies of ID of members of the organization |
• | Constitution of the organization |
• | NPO registration certificate, if registered as an NPO |
• | Any other registration certificates or documents that can support the application |
• | Names and contact details of Auditors |
• | Provide reference and contact details of persons/organizations supporting the application |
• | Disclose all sources of funding/income |