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Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70 of 2008)RegulationsRegulations for Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse, 2013AnnexuresAnnexure F : FormsForm 2 : Application for registration of community-based services |
[Regulation 15(1)(a)]
Application by a natural person
Name of applicant: ________________________________________________________________
Surname of applicant: _____________________________________________________________
Identitiy Number of applicant: ______________________________________________________
Application by a person representing a juristic person
I _________________________________________________________________________(full names and identity number) in my capacity as ____________________________________________of _________________________________________________(full name of organization) being duly authorized to act on behalf of _________________________________________________(name or organization) hereby apply for registration of community-based services.
Section A : Basic details of the Service Provider
1. | Registration number of non-profit organisation or company or trust (where applicable) |
2. | Other registration details (specify) : |
Has your registration ever been suspected or cancelled? YES/NO
If yes, please provide details:
3. | Address details |
(a) | Physical and postal address of Administration Office |
(b) | Physical addresses and telephone numbers of service locations (identify facility) |
(i) | ___________________________________________________________________ |
_________________________________________________postal code ________
(ii) | ___________________________________________________________________ |
_________________________________________________postal code ________
(iii) | ___________________________________________________________________ |
_________________________________________________postal code _______
(If there are more service locations please attach a list)
4. | Financial details |
(a) | Do you have a bank account? YES/NO |
If yes, provide following details
(i) | Bank: |
(ii) | Account name: |
(iii) | Type Account: |
(iv) | Account No: |
(v) | Branch Code: |
4.2 | Do you have an auditor? YES/NO |
If yes, provide details:
(a) | Name: |
(b) | Address: |
(c) | Telephone number: ________________________________________________________ |
(d) | Attach a copy of your Audited Financial Statements for the past six months (where applicable) |
4.3 | If you do not have Audited Financial Statements please give the reasons thereof. |
5. | Governance Details |
(a) | Constitution: (Attach a certified copy) |
(b) | Details of Governing Body: |
List of members of organization (names and identity numbers) [For organisations only]
Details of family interests or relationships pertaining to the organisation and staff:
(c) | Do/will you hold General Members Meetings? YES/NO |
If yes, attach a copy of the minutes of the last meeting
6. | Beneficiaries |
How many persons benefit from the services provided?
I declare that the above information is true and correct. I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of pertinent information may be considered as sufficient grounds for withdrawal of registration.
Signature _______________________ Place ________________________ Date __________
Full Name:
Copy of ID to be attached
Section B : Community-based services
1. | Description of Community-based care and support services |
(a) | Date when the services was first established: |
(b) | What services are rendered (please tick) (Attach copy of your services plan) |
Awareness raising |
Substance abuse educational programmes |
Transport |
Life skills programme |
Early Intervention |
Referrals |
Treatment |
Aftercare + re-integration |
Family support services |
Marriage enrichment services |
Statutory services |
Recreation |
Income Generation |
Socialisation |
Culture and Spiritual |
Home visits |
Advice |
Group Support |
Education and Training |
Counselling (social work) |
Other, Please specify |
(c) | On how many days/per week are the services made available? |
(d) | During which hours of the day are the services rendered? |
(e) | Does the service operate over weekends and public holidays? |
2. | Beneficiaries |
Please give a breakdown of persons who benefit from the services on a weekly basis
(a) Total Number of persons:
(b) | Total number of persons receiving |
(i) | prevention services |
(ii) | early intervention services |
(iii) | treatment services |
(iv) | aftercare and reintegration |
3. | Funding of the Services |
(a) | Do you receive a grant/subsidy from the Department of Social Development? YES/NO |
If yes, what amount do you receive on a monthly basis?
R _______________________________________________
(b) | Do you receive a grant from the local authority? YES/NO |
If yes, what amount do you receive per month or per annum?
R _______________________________________________
(c) | Have you applied for funding from the Department of Social Development which was turned down? |
If yes give details:
(d) | Do beneficiaries pay for the services? YES/NO |
If yes what do beneficiaries pay for the services per month/per day/per hour
R ___________per individual?
If no, please give your reasons:
5. | Human Resources |
(a) | Do you have paid staff members? YES/NO |
(b) | Do you have volunteers? YES/NO |
If yes—
(i) | how many? _________________________________________________________ |
(ii) | do you pay transport costs of volunteers? YES/NO |
(c) | Give breakdown of employed staff and volunteers: |
NO |
(d) | If you do not use paid staff members or volunteers do you use partnership workers, provided by other organizations? |
6. | Service Locations |
Provide a list of places and areas where services are rendered.
(i) |
(ii) |
(iii) |
(iv) |
(v) |
If you render services at more locations please attach a list.
Provide sketch plans of the above facilities
7. | Facilities at main service location (please tick) |
Hall |
Offices |
Kitchen |
Store Room |
Dining Room |
Clinic |
Library |
Bathrooms/Showers |
Toilets |
Wash Basins |
Other (specify) |
If you do not have the above facilities at your disposal, how do you render the services? Give details:
8. | Basic amenities and equipment to render services at main service location. Please tick below: |
Kettle or urns |
Stove |
Fire |
Fridge |
Water supply |
Power supply |
Catering utensils |
Plates, cups, etc |
Tables and chairs |
Recreation equipment |
Primary Health Care equipment |
Assistive devices (wheel chairs, tripods, commodes, walking sticks |
Other, provide list: |
Please attach a list of the equipment used in the facility
9. | Business Plan |
Do you render your services according to a business plan? YES/NO
If yes, please attach your business plan to section B
If no, please indicate the reasons below:
An outreach service from residential care facilities |
Other, please specify: |
If your services are linked to other services, please give details: