R 385
Professional and Technical Surveyors' Act, 1984 (Act No. 40 of 1984)27. Prohibition of practice as professional land surveyor, professional surveyor or technical surveyor by unregistered person |
(1) | Subject to any exemption granted under this Act, any person— |
(a) | whose name is not entered in the register for professional land surveyors referred to in section 7(4)(a) and who— |
(i) | performs any survey for the purpose of preparing a diagram or general plan to be filed or registered in terms of any law governing the registration of any land or rights in land or mentioned in any manner whatsoever in any other document to be so filed or registered; or |
(ii) | performs any survey affecting the delimitation of the boundaries or the location of the beacons of any land so registered; |
(b) | who is not registered as a professional surveyor and who performs any kind of work reserved for professional surveyors under section 7(2); |
(c) | who is not registered as a professional surveyor or as a surveyor or as a survey technician and who performs any kind of work reserved for technical surveyors under section 7(2); |
(d) | who is not registered as a professional surveyor or as a surveyor or as a survey technician and pretends to be or by any means whatsoever holds himself out or allows himself to be held out as a person who is registered as a professional surveyor or surveyor or survey technician in terms of this Act, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R2000. |
(2) | Subject to any exemption granted under this Act, any company or other juristic person, other than a professional company or close corporation incorporated or registered pursuant to the provisions of section 27A or 27B, which— |
(a) | performs or causes to be performed for any other person, whether a natural or juristic person, by any person, whether registered in terms of this Act as a professional surveyor or as a surveyor or as a survey technician or not, any kind of work reserved for professional or technical surveyors, respectively, under section 7(2); or |
(b) | pretends to be or by any means whatsoever holds itself out or allows itself to be held out as a company or other juristic person performing any kind of work reserved for professional or technical surveyors under section 7(2), or uses any name, title, description or symbol indicating or calculated to lead persons to infer that it is a company or other juristic person performing any kind of work so reserved for professional or technical surveyors, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R2000. |