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Professional and Technical Surveyors Act, 1984 (Act No. 40 of 1984) |
2. Establishment of South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors
3. Constitution of council and first meeting
4. Qualifications of members of council and circumstances under which they vacate office
5. Decision of council and quorum
6. President and vice-president of council
8. Funds of council and keeping and auditing of accounts
11. Establishment of education advisory committee
12. Constitution of education advisory committee
13. Tenure of office of members of education advisory committee
14. Circumstances under which members of education advisory committee vacate office
15. Chairman of education advisory committee
16. Meetings of education advisory committee and rules of procedure
17. Secretarial and administrative work of education advisory committee
18. Allowances payable to members of education advisory committee
19. Functions of education advisory committee
20. Registration of professional surveyors
21. Registration of professional surveyors in training
22. Registration of technical surveyors
23. Registration of survey technicians in training
24. Refusal of cancellation of registration
25. Return of certificates of registration and issue of copies thereof
26. Registrar to give information to Chief Surveyor-General and Institutes
27A. Carrying on of profession of professional surveyor or calling of surveyor by company
27B. Carrying on of profession of professional surveyor or calling of surveyor by close corporation
29. Disciplinary powers of council
31. Suspension from practicing of registered persons who have become of unsound mind
32. Appeals against decisions of council
33. Council may re-admit person
39. Exemption from operation of provisions of Act
40. Construction of Act 22 of 1904 of Cape of Good Hope
41. Repeal and amendment of laws
42. Completion of certain inquiries
43. Transfer of assets and liabilities to council
44. Short title and commencement