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Professional and Technical Surveyors' Act, 1984 (Act No. 40 of 1984)RulesSouth African Council for Professional and Technical SurveyorsChapter V7A. Registration of professional land surveyors and professional land surveyors in training |
(a) | Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b), the training in practical work to be undergone by a candidate for registration as a professional land surveyor, shall be the carrying out of practical work under the supervision of a professional land surveyor who has been practising as such for at least five years after registration as a professional land surveyor in terms of section 20(2) of the Act. |
(b) | The period of training referred to in paragraph (a), which shall be continuous, and the nature of which shall be approved and controlled by the council, shall be not less than 270 working days: Provided that— |
(i) | if a candidate has undergone training in non-cadastral survey work not necessarily under the supervision of a professional land surveyor, or during the course of practice has undertaken practical work, which in the opinion of the council is equivalent to the work referred to in paragraph (a), he or she may be granted exemption from such portion of the period of training prescribed in this paragraph as the council may determine; |
(ii) | the period of training occupied in any category of practical work shall be in accordance with the requirements as laid down from time to time by the council; |
(iii) | the council may condone a break in the continuous period of training if, reasonable grounds for such a break exist after a written request in this regard has been made by the candidate; |
(iv) | the period of training in cadastral surveys shall not be less than 135 working days after completion of the academic training of the candidate: Provided that he or she applies for registration as a professional land surveyor in training within two months of such completion date, failing which, the period of training will be deemed to commence as from the actual date of application for registration. |
(i) | Proof of employment during the period of training by candidate shall be submitted by him or her to the council in the form of a certificate substantially as set out hereunder: |
I, .................................... a professional land surveyor practising in the Republic of South Africa, / a professional surveyor / a surveyor / an engineer *, practising in .................................... do hereby certify that .................................... has successfully carried out practical work under my supervision for the following periods and in the following categories:
Period | Category: |
Cadastral Surveys
Topographic Surveys
Engineering Surveys
Control Surveys
Hydrographic Surveys
particulars of which in regard to the time and nature of the work, are annexed.
Dated at on the day of ………………………. Signed ........................................
Professional Land Surveyor, Professional Surveyor, Surveyor, Engineers, etc.*
*Delete whichever is not applicable.
(ii) | The certificate prescribed in this rule shall be supported by an annexure in the form of a schedule, signed by the professional land surveyor or other person and the candidate, in which detailed particulars of all practical work are entered. |
(iii) | he council may dispense with the certificate prescribed in this subrule, if it is satisfied that the professional land surveyor or other person with whom the candidate was employed, unreasonably refuses, or for some reason is not in position to grant the certificate: Provided that proof can be given that the candidate was actually employed and satisfactorily carried out the practical work under the supervision of such professional land surveyor or other person for the periods during which he or she claims to have been so employed. |
(iv) | Exemption in terms of subrule (1)(b)(i) shall not be granted unless proof of training or practice to the satisfaction of the council can be given. |
The council may require the candidate to undergo such further training as it deems fit.
(a) | A candidate who fails to pass the examination in the laws concerning surveying and related matters, or who fails to carry out an acceptable trial survey or practical test which in whole or in part may consist of an oral examination set by the council, shall be afforded a chance to present himself or herself for re-examination after a period of not less than two months after the date of the unsuccessful attempt at the law examination and/or the trial survey. |
(b) | Should the candidate fail to attain a standard acceptable to the council after the second attempt, he or she shall not be allowed to present himself or herself for such further law examinations or trial survey or practical test until further training has been undergone as determined by the council. |
(3) | For the purpose of this rule— |
"cadastral surveys" means surveys referred to in section 27(1)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Act;
"practical work" means such survey operations, the nature of which shall be approved by the council and includes cadastral surveys.
(4) | The professional oath or affirmation that a candidate is required to make in terms of section 20(1)(f) of the Act, shall be in form A obtainable from the Registrar. |
(5) | Any person who has passed an examination for which the council has granted recognition in terms of section 20(1)(b) of the Act and who desires to qualify for registration as a professional land surveyor shall apply for registration as a professional land surveyor in training using form B obtainable from the Registrar. |
(6) | When a professional land surveyor in training complies with the requirements mentioned in section 20(1) of the Act he or she may apply to the council for registration as a professional land surveyor using form C obtainable from the Registrar, and the council shall register such a person in the appropriate register. |