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Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act No. 110 of 1978)RegulationsRegulations Relating to the Establishment of the Professional Board for Community Development Practice, 20246. Submission of nominations |
(1) | The members contemplated in regulation 3 shall be nominated by completing Form 1A, Form 1B and Form 6A. |
(2) | No person shall be accepted as a candidate for election unless— |
(a) | he or she is nominated in accordance with sub-regulation 1; |
(b) | he or she is nominated by a person whose name appears on a database and list contemplated in regulation 10 (2). |
(c) | he or she has accepted such nomination in writing before the closing date of nominations contemplated in sub-regulation 5; and |
(d) | he or she deposits with the returning officer an amount of R100.00 before the expiry of the nomination time. |
(3) | The amount referred to in sub-regulation (2)(d) shall be refunded to a candidate— |
(a) | if he or she is elected in the terms of these regulations; or |
(b) | if he or she receives a number of votes greater than or equal to at least one-third of the total number of votes received by the elected candidate. |
(4) | A nomination in terms of this regulation shall only be valid if— |
(a) | it contains all the particulars set out in a Form 1A, 1B, & 6A; and |
(b) | a nominee signs the nomination form of more candidates than the total number of members to be elected. |
(5) | Nominations for candidates shall be as follows— |
(a) | The returning officer shall, for the purposes of any nominations required for members of the professional board to be elected, through written notice and by notice in the Gazette or print media, invite such nominations from training institutions and all members of the profession concerned; |
(b) | The Minister shall, for the purposes of any nominations of persons to be appointed by him or her from the community, through the media and by notice in the Gazette or print media, invite such nominations from the public; and |
(c) | Nominations from the public shall be by completion of Form 1B & 2E. |
(6) | The notice contemplated in sub-regulation (5)(a) shall not be more than 120 days and not less than 90 days before the election date. |
(7) | Nomination of candidates for the election of the number of members to be elected must be submitted to the returning officer on or before the closing date as indicated in the notice contemplated in sub-regulation (5). |
(8) | The closing date for the submission of nominations shall not be later than 30 days after the date of publication of such notice. |