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Regulations Relating to the Establishment of the Professional Board for Community Development Practice, 2024


Notice No. R. 4783 of 2024

1. Definitions

2. Establishment of Professional Board for Community Development Practice

3. Composition of Professional Board

4. Qualifications for person to be nominated

5. Returning officer

6. Submission of nominations

7. Disqualification of candidates

8. Invalidity of nomination

9. Notice of election

10. Qualification to cast vote

11. Disentitlement to vote

12. Issuing of ballot papers

13. Casting of votes

14. Examination and safekeeping of ballot papers before elections

15. Determination of election result

16. Safekeeping of ballot papers after elections

17. Constitution of board without elections

18. Term of office

19. Appointment of members of board

20. Vacation of office

21. Filling of vacancies

22. Powers and functions of professional board

23. Appoinment of office bearers

24. Meetings of professional board

25. Procedure of meetings of professional board

26. Attendance of professional board meetings

27. Record of meetings of professional board

28. Committees of professional board

29. Allowances payable to members of Professional Board

30. Short title and commencement

23. Appoinment of office bearers

24. Meetings of professional board

25. Procedure of meetings of professional board

26. Attendance of professional board meetings

27. Record of meetings of professional board

28. Committees of professional board

29. Allowances payable to members of Professional Board

30. Short title and commencement


Annexure A : Allowances Payable to members in accordance with Regulation 29