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South African Civil Aviation Authority Levies Act, 1998 (Act No. 41 of 1998)


Notification of Determination made by the South African Civil Aviation Authority to impose a fuel levy on the sale of aviation fuel

4. Application for Registration as Wholesale Distributor


4.1 An application for registration as a Wholesale Distributor shall be made to the South African Civil Aviation Authority and shall—
(a) state name and address of an applicant:
(b) provide proof that an applicant satisfies the requirements to be a Wholesale Distributor;
(c) contain any information, views or reasons supporting an application; and
(d) be accompanied by certified copies of the following documents:
(i) wholesaler's  license  issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (where applicable);
(ii) latest annual financial statements; and
(iii) valid clearance certificate issued by the South  African Revenue Service.


4.2 The South African Civil Aviation Authority may, before deciding whether to grant or refuse an application, allow the applicant to make representations either in writing or in person, regarding the merits of the application.


4.3 The South African Civil Aviation Authority shall issue a certificate of registration upon completion of a successful application.


4.4 Where the South African Civil Aviation Authority does not renew a certificate of registration in terms of paragraph (5), a new application for such certificate may be submitted.


[Section 4 inserted by section 1(b) of Notice No. 5025, GG50903, dated 5 July 2024 - withdrawn with immediate effect by Notice No. 5080, GG50987 dated 30 July 2024 - published in error]