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South African Civil Aviation Authority Levies Act, 1998 (Act No. 41 of 1998)


Notification of Determination made by the South African Civil Aviation Authority to impose a fuel levy on the sale of aviation fuel

5. Renewal


5.1 A certificate of registration shall be valid for a maximum period of 12 months unless suspended or cancelled by the South African Civil Aviation Authority before it expires.


5.2 A certificate of registration is renewable every 12 months.


5.3 The renewal shall:
(a) not require a Wholesale Distributor to submit an application; and
(b) be administered by the South African Civil Aviation Authority by  issuance of a renewal certificate annually to a Wholesale Distributor.


5.4 The renewal in terms of paragraph (5.3) shall be on condition that a Wholesale Distributor is—
(a) in good standing with the South African Civil Aviation Authority; and
(b) in compliance with this Determination.


5.5 If a Wholesale Distributor falls to declare any fuel volumes for a period longer than 12 months, the registration shall become invalid and shall not be renewed in terms of paragraph (5.3).


[Section 5 inserted by section 1(b) of Notice No. 5025, GG50903, dated 5 July 2024 - withdrawn with immediate effect by Notice No. 5080, GG50987 dated 30 July 2024 - published in error]