R 385
South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)RegulationsRegulations for the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate, 2005Chapter 6 : Marking process35. Duties of the marker, chief marker and senior marker |
(1) | The Chief Marker must perform, inter alia, the following functions: |
(a) | Take responsibility for the management of marking in the specified subject; |
(b) | Ensure that the marking of the specified subject is in keeping with the marking guidelines; |
(c) | Ensure the security and control of scripts assigned to him or her; |
(d) | Attend and take responsibility for the memorandum discussions; |
(e) | Oversee the training of Markers and Senior Markers; |
(f) | Ensure that at least 10% of the scripts are moderated to promote consistency in the marking process; |
(g) | Report all alleged irregularities identified during the marking process to the head of examinations or his or her nominee; and |
(h) | Compile a report on marking as required by the assessment body. |
(2) | The Senior Marker must perform the following functions: |
(a) | Support the Chief Marker in ensuring the efficient and effective marking of scripts; |
(b) | Take responsibility for the marking of scripts amongst the Markers assigned to him or her; |
(c) | Take responsibility for the mark sheets and answer scripts assigned to him or her; |
(d) | Ensure that the Markers under his or her supervision mark the scripts in accordance with the marking memorandum; |
(e) | Moderate at least 10% of the scripts marked by the Markers under his or her supervision, to ensure consistency within the marking process; and |
(f) | Report all alleged irregularities identified during the marking process to the Chief Marker. |
(3) | The Marker must perform the following functions: |
(a) | Mark the scripts assigned to him, according to the marking memorandum; |
(b) | Take responsibility for the scripts and mark sheets assigned to him or her; |
(c) | Accurately transfer the marks from the script to the mark sheet; and |
(d) | Identify and report all alleged irregularities identified during the marking process to the Senior or Chief Marker. |