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Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008)NoticesStandards Matters - 2009SchedulesSchedule 1 : Issue of New Standards |
The standards mentioned have been issued in terms of section 16(3) of the Act.
Standard No. and year |
Title, scope and purport |
SANS 132:2009/ ISO 1170:2008 |
Coal and coke - Calculation of analyses to different bases. Gives equations that allow analytical data relating to coal and coke to be expressed on various different bases in common use. |
SANS 215:2009/ CISPR 15:2009 (Ed. 4.2) |
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 2. Amended to define non-compliance in accordance with a statistical method of evaluation, to add a subclause on measurement uncertainty, to rename existing and insert new subclauses, and to add a normative reference. |
SANS 370:2009 (Ed. 1.1) |
Steel mesh reinforced polyethylene (PE) pipes for water supply. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to update referenced standards, to insert the definition of "acceptable", to renumber the definitions accordingly and to modify the requirements for thermal stability and weathering of non-black pipes. |
SANS 460:2009 (Ed. 4.1) |
Plain-ended solid drawn copper tubes for potable water. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to update the introductory paragraph to the normative clause. |
SANS 532:2009 |
Standard and specifications for industrial, medical, propellant, food and beverage gases, refrigerants and breathing gases. Covers industrial gases, medical gases, propellant gases, food and beverage gases, refrigerants and breathing gases. |
SANS 701:2009 |
Cordovan and cordovan-type leathers for orthopaedic use. Covers genuine cordovan leather made from horsehide and cordovan-type leather made from sheepskins or bovine hides intended for orthopaedic use. |
SANS 702:2009 |
Vegetable-tanned side leather for orthopaedic use. Covers vegetable-tanned side leather for orthopaedic use. |
SANS 705:2009 |
Vegetable tanned harness and bridle leathers. Covers vegetable-tanned harness and bridle leathers. |
SANS 712:2009 |
Printed side upper leather. Covers chrome-tanned printed side upper leather for the manufacture of heavy footwear. |
SANS 894:2009 |
Test Specifications for SD and HD Level Integrated Receiver Decoders. Contains the unified test specifications for SD and HD level integrated receiver decoders for use in cable, satellite, terrestrial and IP-based networks. |
SANS 901:2009 (Ed. 3.1) |
Paint and varnish brushes (flat type). Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to change the designation of SABS standards to SANS standards, to update the introductory paragraph to the normative references clause, and to update referenced standards. |
SANS 1056-3:2009 (Ed. 2.2) |
Ball valves - Part 3: Light duty valves (not fire-safe). Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 2. Amended to update a referenced standard. |
SANS 1100:2009 (Ed. 1.1) |
Industrial laminated sheets based on phenolic resin. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to change the designation of SABS standards to SANS standards, to change the definition of "acceptable", and to update referenced standards. |
SANS 1507-4:2009 (Ed. 1.2) |
Electric cables and extruded solid dielectric insulation for fixed installations (300/500 V to 1 900/3 300 V) - Part 4: XLPE Distribution cables. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 2. Amended to add reference standards, to add halogen-free flame retardant material or polyethylene as an option for bedding and to add halogen-free material as an option for the outer sheath. |
SANS 1775-1:2009 |
Intravenous infusion and transfusion equipment (sterile-packed for single use) - Part 1: Infusion sets, gravity feed. Covers requirements for gravity feed intravenous fluid infusion sets, continuous flow infusion sets and secondary medication infusion sets intended for general medical use and sterile-packed for single use. It does not cover sets for use with blood or blood derivatives. |
SANS 1775-2:2009 |
Intravenous infusion and transfusion equipment (sterile-packed for single use) - Part 2: Burette sets, gravity feed. Covers requirements for gravity feed intravenous fluid burette sets of nominal capacity 50 mL, 100 mL and 150 mL, which are sterile-packed for single use and intended for general medical use to ensure compatibility of use with containers for intravenous solutions and infusion equipment. |
SANS 1775-4:2009 |
Intravenous infusion and transfusion equipment (sterile-packed for single use) - Part 4: Central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring sets. Covers requirements for central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring sets intended for general medical use and sterile-packed for single use. |
SANS 1853:2009 (Ed. 1.1) |
Disinfectants and detergent-disinfectants for use in the food industry. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to change the designation of SABS standards to SANS standards, and to update referenced standards. |
SANS 1952:2009/ ISO 1952:2008 |
Solid mineral fuels - Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydrochloric acid. Describes the extraction from solid mineral fuels by dilute hydrochloric acid and determination of extractable sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. |
SANS 3834-6:2009/ ISO/TR 3834-6:2007 |
Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 6: Guidelines on implementing ISO 3834. Gives guidelines for the implementation of requirements given in the other parts of SANS 3834, and is intended to help manufacturers and users select that part of SANS 3834 appropriate to their needs. |
SANS 4706:2009/ ISO 4706:2008 |
Gas cylinders - Refillable welded steel cylinders - Test pressure 60 bar and below. Specific minimum requirements concerning material selection, design, construction and workmanship, procedure and testing at manufacture of refillable welded steel gas cylinders of a test pressure not greater than 60 bar, and of water capacities from 0,5 L up to and including 500 L exposed to extreme worldwide temperatures (-50 to + 65 degrees Celsius) used for compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases. |
SANS 5502:2009 (SABS SM 557:1980) |
Burning test on cable dielectric and outer coverings. Specifies a method to determine the burning resistance of cable dielectric and outer coverings. |
SANS 5557:2009 (SABS SM 557:1980) |
Bending tests (longitudinal, transverse and edgewise) on copper strip or sheet. Specifies the methods for longitudinal tests, transverse tests, and edgewise tests on copper strip or sheet. |
SANS 7064:2009/ ISO/IEC 7064:2003 |
Information technology - Security techniques - Check character systems. Specifies a set of check character systems capable of protecting strings against errors which occur when people copy or type data. The strings may be of fixed or variable length and may have character sets which are numeric (10 digits: 0 to 9); alphabetic (26 letters: A to Z); and alphanumeric (letters and digits). Specifies conformance requirements for products described as generating check characters or checking strings using the systems given in this International Standard. |
SANS 10405:2009 |
Transport of dangerous goods by rail - Operational and design requirements and emergency preparedness. Specifies the requirements for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by rail in terms of operational requirements, design requirements and emergency preparedness. Includes documentation, loading, dispatch, placarding, contingency planning and occurrence management, offloading, security issues and training. |
SANS 14692-1:2009/ ISO 14692-1:2002 |
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials. Gives the terms and symbols used in the specification, manufacture, testing and installation of glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping installations associated with offshore applications on both fixed and floating topsides facilities for oil and gas industry production and processing. It also describes the philosophy and provides guidance on the range of suitable applications for such piping and defines limitations to the materials of construction for these applications. |
SANS 14692-2:2009/ ISO 14692-2:2002 |
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 2: Qualification and manufacture. Gives requirements for the qualification and manufacture of GRP piping and fittings in order to enable the purchase of GRP components with known and consistent properties from any source. It is applicable to qualification procedures, preferred dimensions, quality programmes, component marking and documentation. |
SANS 14692-3:2009/ ISO 14692-3:2002 |
Petroleum and natural gas industries -Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 3: System design. Gives guidelines for the design of GRP piping systems. The requirements and recommendations apply to layout dimensions, hydraulic design, structural design, detailing, fire endurance, spread of fire and emissions and control of electrostatic discharge. |
SANS 14692-4:2009/ ISO 14692-4:2002 |
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 4: Fabrication, installation and operation. Gives requirements and recommendations for the fabrication, installation and operation of GRP piping systems for use in oil and natural gas industry processing and utility service applications. The recommendations apply to delivery, inspection, handling, storage, installation, system pressure testing, maintenance, repair and decommissioning. |
SANS 15443-3:2009/ ISO/IEC TR 15443-3:2007 |
Information technology - Security techniques - A framework for IT security assurance - Part 3: Analysis of assurance methods. Provide general guidance to an assurance authority in the choice of the appropriate type of international communications technology (ICT) assurance methods and to lay the framework for the analysis of specific assurance methods for specific environments. |
SANS 15459-3:2009/ ISO/IEC 15459-3:2006 |
Information technology - Unique identifiers - Part 3: Common rules for unique identifiers. Specifies the common rules that apply for unique identifiers for item management that are required to ensure full compatibility across classes of unique identifiers. |
SANS 15459-5:2009/ ISO/IEC 15459-5:2007 |
Information technology - Unique identifiers - Part 5: Unique identifier for returnable transport items (RTIs). Specifies a unique, non-significant string of characters for the unique identification of returnable transport items (RTIs), of which the character string is intended to be represented in a radio frequency identification (RFID) transponder, bar code label or other automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) media attached to the item to meet supply chain management needs. |
SANS 18013-3:2009/ ISO/IEC 18013-3:2009 |
Information technology - Personal identification - ISO-compliant driving licence - Part 3: Access control, authentication and integrity validation. Establishes guidelines for the design, format and data content of an ISO-compliant driving licence (IDL) with regard to human-readable features (SANS 18013-1:2007/ISO/IEC 18013-1:2005), machine-readable technologies (SANS 18013-2:2008/ISO/IEC 18013 2:2008), and access control, authentication and integrity validation (SANS 18013-3:2009/ISO/IEC 180-3:2009). Creates a common basis for international use and mutual recognition of the IDL without impeding individual countries/states to apply their privacy rules and national/community/regional motor vehicle authorities in taking care of their specific needs. |
SANS 18043:2009/ ISO/IEC 18043:2006 |
Information technology - Security techniques - Selection, deployment and operations of intrusion detection systems. Provides guidelines to assist organizations in preparing to deploy Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Addresses the selection, deployment and operations of IDS. Provides background information from which these guidelines are derived. |
SANS 19762-1:2009/ ISO/IEC 19762-1:2008 |
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 1: General terms relating to AIDC. Provides general terms and definitions in the area of automatic identification and data capture techniques on which are based further specialized sections in various technical fields, as well as the essential terms to be used by non-specialist users in communication with specialists in automatic identification and data capture techniques. |
SANS 19762-2:2009/ ISO/IEC 19762-2:2008 |
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 2: Optically readable media (ORM). Provides terms and definitions unique to optically readable media (ORM) in the area of automatic identification and data capture techniques. This glossary of terms enables the communication between non-specialist users and specialists in ORM through a common understanding of basic advanced concepts. |
SANS 19762-3:2009/ ISO/IEC 19762-3:2008 |
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 3: Radio frequency identification (RFID). Provides terms and definitions unique to radio frequency identification (RFID) in the area of automatic identification and data capture techniques. This glossary of terms enables the communication between non-specialist users and specialists in RFID through a common understanding of basic and advanced concepts. |
SANS 19762-4:2009/ ISO/IEC 19762-4:2008 |
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 4: General terms relating to radio communications. Provides general terms and definitions relating to radio communications in the area of automatic identification and data capture techniques. This glossary of terms enables the communication between non-specialist users and specialists in radio communications through a common understanding of basic and advanced concepts. |
SAANS 19762-5:2009/ ISO/IEC 19762-5:2008 |
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) techniques - Harmonized vocabulary - Part 5: Locating systems. Provides terms and definitions unique to locating systems in the area of automatic identification and data capture techniques. This glossary of terms enables the communication between non-specialist users and specialists in locating systems through a common understanding of basic and advanced concepts. |
SANS 27011:2009/ ISO/IEC FDIS 27011:2008 |
Information technology - Information security management guidelines for telecommunications. Defines guidelines supporting the implementation of Information of Information Security Management in telecommunications organizations. The International Standard will allow telecommunications organizations to meet baseline information security management requirements of confidentiality, integrity, availability and any other relevant security property. |
SANS 51274:2009/ EN 1274:2004 (SABS EN 1274:1996) |
Thermal spraying - Powders - Composition, technical supply conditions. Covers powders applicable in thermal spraying on the basis of their physical and chemical properties. It also specifies the composition and technical supply conditions of powders for thermal spraying. |
SANS 53138-2:2009/ EN 13138-2:2007 |
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be held. Specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing and marking for swimming devices intended to assist users with movement through the water in the early stages of water awareness, whilst learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements. It applies to class C devices that are designed to assist with swimming strokes and improving specific elements of the stroke, which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It includes devices that are held in the hands or by the body. It does not apply to pull buoys, buoyancy aids, life jackets or aquatic toys. |
SANS 53138-3:2009/ EN 13138-3:2007 |
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 3: Safety requirements and test methods for swim seats to be worn. Specifies safety requirements for design, sizing, materials, strength and in-water performance as well as provisions for marking and the information supplied by the manufacturer for swim seats to be worn. It also specifies the relevant test methods. It covers class A buoyancy devices in which children are seated. These devices are only intended for children aged up to 36 months with a body mass less than or equal to 18kg. |
SANS 60332-3-10:2009/ IEC 60332-3-10:2009 (Ed 1.1) |
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-10: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Apparatus. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to change the title, to delete a paragraph from the introduction, to change requirements for the test apparatus, the type of ignition source and the details of a recommended burner, and to add the details of recommended mass flow meters. |
SANS 60332-3-22:2009/ IEC 60332-3-22:2009 (Ed. 1.1) |
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-22: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category A. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to include optical fibre cables in the standard, and to specify a precondition in the retest procedure. |
SANS 60332-3-23:2009/ IEC 60332-3-23:2009 (Ed. 1.1) |
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 3-23: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Category B. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to include optical fibre cables in the standard, and to specify a precondition in the retest procedure. |
SANS 60335-2-4:2009/ IEC 60335-2-4:2008 |
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors. Deals with the safety of electric spin extractors for household and similar purposes that have a capacity not exceeding 10kg of dry cloth and a drum peripheral speed not exceed 50 m/s, their rated voltages being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. |
SANS 60335-2-26:2009/ IEC 60335-2-26:2008 (Ed. 3.1) |
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-26: Particular requirements for clocks. Consolidated edition incorporating amendment No. 1. Amended to add information to the introduction, to refer to the use of appliances by disabled persons and children, to number a subclause, and to include a referenced standard in the bibliography. |
SANS 60601-2-2:2009/ IEC 60601-2-2:2009 |
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-2: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high frequency surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories. Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of high frequency surgical equipment. |
SANS 60601-2-19:2009/ IEC 60601-2-19:2009 |
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-19: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant incubators. Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of infant incubators. Does not cover hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of medical electrical equipment or medical electrical systems. |
SANS 60601-2-20:2009/ IEC 60601-2-20:2009 |
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-20: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant transport incubators. Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of infant transport incubator equipment. Does not cover hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of medical electrical equipment or medical electrical systems. |
SANS 60601-2-21:2009/ IEC 60601-2-21:2009 |
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant radiant warmers. Applies to the basic safety and essential performance of infant radiant warmers. does not cover hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of medical electrical equipment or medical electrical systems. |
SANS 60974-5:2009/ IEC 60974-5:2007 |
Arc welding equipment - Part 5: Wire feeders. Specifies safety and performance requirements for industrial and professional equipment used in arc welding and allied processes to feed filler wire. |
SANS 60974-6:2009/ IEC 60974-6:2003 |
Arc welding equipment - Part 6: Limited duty manual metal arc welding power sources. Applies to power sources with a thermal cut-out device for manual metal arc welding with limited duty. Does not apply to rotating welding power sources, welding power sources with remote control, and welding power sources incorporating frequency conversion. |
SANS 100098-3:2009/ ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 |
Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995). Establishes general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurements that can be followed at various levels of accuracy and in many fields - from the shop floor to fundamental research. |