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The Economic Regulation of Transport Act, 2024 (Act No. 6 of 2024)

Chapter 3 : Economic Regulation of Transport Facilities and Services

Part C : Complaint Investigations by Regulator

21. Directed price control reduction


(1) In the circumstances contemplated in section 18(e), 19(2) or 20(5)(b), the Regulator may direct a reduction in the current applicable price control for any facilities or services provided by a regulated entity.


(2) When determining an appropriate reduction, the Regulator must consider the following factors—
(a) the nature, duration, gravity and extent of the contravention or other conduct;
(b) the market circumstances in which the contravention or other conduct took place;
(c) any undue increase in profit directly derived from the contravention or other conduct;
(d) any loss or damage suffered by third parties as a result of the contravention or other conduct;
(e) any potential negative effect on third parties resulting from the reduction;
(f) the ability of such a reduction to correct any economic distortion resulting from the regulated entity’s conduct;
(g) any similar previous contraventions or similar conduct by the respondent; and
(h) the level of cooperation of the respondent during the investigation.


(3) A reduction in terms of this section—
(a) applies only from the date on which the Regulator issues a directive in terms of this section;
(b) may be either—
(i) temporary, for a period determined by the Regulator; or
(ii) permanent, until the expiry of the price control that is being reduced;
(c) may apply to all, or any particular facilities or services to which the price control applies; and
(d) must not be included in the consideration of price controls in the next price control determination cycle.


(4) The total annual financial cost of the reduction to the regulated entity may not exceed more than 10% of the entity’s annual turnover of its regulated business during the regulated entity’s preceding financial year.


(5) When a reduction has been imposed, the regulated entity must take reasonable steps to publicise the fact of the reduction and the extent, duration and reason for the reduction.