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The Economic Regulation of Transport Act, 2024 (Act No. 6 of 2024)

Chapter 3 : Economic Regulation of Transport Facilities and Services

Part C : Complaint Investigations by Regulator

20. Issuance of compliance notices


(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Regulator may issue a compliance notice, in the prescribed form, to the respondent in any investigation conducted by the Regulator in terms of section 17.


(2) A compliance notice contemplated in subsection (1) must set out—
(a) the person, association or entity to whom the notice applies;
(b) the provision of this Act, or another Act, that has not been complied with, if any;
(c) details of the nature and extent of the non-compliance or other reason for issuing the notice;
(d) any steps that are required to be taken and the period within which those steps must be taken; and
(e) any penalty that may be imposed in terms of this Act if those steps are not taken.


(3) A compliance notice issued in terms of this section remains in force until—
(a) it is set aside by the Council or a Court; or
(b) the Regulator issues a compliance certificate contemplated in subsection (4).


(4) If the requirements of a compliance notice issued in terms of subsection (1) have been satisfied, the Regulator must issue a compliance certificate.


(5) If a person, association or entity to whom a compliance notice has been issued fails to comply with the notice, the Regulator may either—
(a) refer the matter to the National Prosecuting Authority for prosecution as an offence in terms of section 65; or
(b) direct a price control reduction, in terms of section 21.


(6) Any person, association or entity issued with a notice in terms of this section may appeal to the Council, or apply to the Council for a review, in the prescribed manner and form within—
(a) 15 business days after receiving that notice; or
(b) a longer period as may be allowed by the Council on good cause shown.