R 385
Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2004 (Act No. 35 of 2004)Chapter 3 : Registrar, Staff of Registrar and Registration Procedures21. Application for registration to practise |
(1) | No person may practise as a traditional health practitioner within the Republic unless he or she is registered in terms of this Act. |
(2) |
(a) | Any person who wishes to register as a traditional health practitioner or a student must apply to the registrar. |
(b) | An application contemplated in paragraph (a) must be accompanied by— |
(i) | proof that the applicant is a South African citizen; |
(ii) | character references by people not related to the applicant; |
(iii) | proof of the applicant’s qualifications; |
(iv) | the prescribed registration fee; and |
(v) | any further information relating to the application that the Council may consider necessary. |
(3) | If the registrar is satisfied that the information and documentation submitted in support of an application for registration meet the requirements of this Act and upon receipt of the prescribed registration fee, the registrar must issue a registration certificate authorising the applicant to practise as a traditional health practitioner within the Republic. |
(4) | If the registrar is not satisfied that the information and documentation submitted in support of an application for registration meet the requirements of this Act, he or she may refuse to issue a registration certificate to the applicant, but must, if so required by the applicant, submit the application to the Council for a decision. |
(5) | The registrar must only register a traditional health practitioner if the registrar is satisfied that the person applying for registration is suitably qualified to be a traditional health practitioner or if the Council is so satisfied. |
(6) | Any entry which is proved to the satisfaction of the Council to have been made in error or through misrepresentation or in circumstances not authorised by this Act must be removed from the register and— |
(a) | a record of the reason for every such removal must be made in the register; |
(b) | the person in respect of whom such removal has been made must be notified thereof in the manner contemplated in section 23(2); and |
(c) | any certificate issued in respect of such registration is deemed to have been cancelled as from the date on which notice has so been given. |