R 385
Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2007 (Act No. 22 of 2007)Chapter 3 : Registrar, Staff of Registrar and Registration Procedures19. Functions of registrar |
(1) | The registrar— |
(a) | is the secretary and accounting officer of the Council; |
(b) | must perform the functions assigned to him or her in terms of this Act by the Council; |
(c) | must keep registers— |
(i) | in which he or she enters the names of traditional health practitioners and students; |
(ii) | in which he or she on instruction of the Council, enters the name, physical address, qualifications, date of initial registration and any other particulars, determined by the Council, including the category or speciality of the person so registered; |
(iii) | from which he or she must remove the names of deceased registered persons or other persons whose names must be removed in the prescribed manner; |
(iv) | in which he or she must update, from time to time, the relevant particulars of the person so registered. |
(2) |
(a) | The registrar may, in writing, and on such conditions as he or she determines, delegate or assign any power or duty to any staff member, unless the Minister prohibits a specific delegation or assignment. |
(b) | A delegation or assignment made under paragraph (a) does not— |
(i) | divest the registrar of the responsibility or accountability concerning the performance of the function involved; |
(ii) | prohibit the performance of the function involved by the registrar. |
(c) | A delegation or assignment made under paragraph (a) may be withdrawn, but such withdrawal does not affect any right which may have accrued to a person as a result of the function performed before the delegation or assignment was withdrawn. |