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Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)


Norms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026

Norms and Standards in respect of Tariffs for Water Supply Services directly to consumers

15. Revenue requirements for provision of water supply services


(1) A WSA/WSP must set its water supply tariffs so that its water supply revenue, inclusive of all transfers and grants allocated to water supply services, is sufficient to recover:
(a) all reasonable costs (directly and indirectly) associated with the operation, maintenance, refurbishment and development of water services, water services customer care and all costs associated therewith;
(b) payments required to redeem its water services related loans over a reasonable period considerate of the inter-generational equity;
(c) a net surplus on revenue that is justifiable and material to ensure that the institution is sustainable.


(2) Reasonable costs referred to in sub-regulation 15(1)(a) include:
(a) Employee related costs;
(b) Depreciation;
(c) Finance charges;
(d) Bulk purchases including raw water, bulk potable water and electricity;
(e) Other expenditure; and
(f) Indirect costs related to the water services function by the WSA/WSP.
(g) Chemical costs
(h) Maintenance
(i) Refurbishment


(3) A WSA/WSP must determine estimates of the reasonable costs referred to in sub-regulations 15(1)(a) and 15(2) over a period of at least five (5) years in order to provide guidance on multi-year tariff projections.


(4) A WSA/WSP may, when estimating the amount to be recovered by tariffs, use a format substantially similar to the table provided in Annexure D.