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Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)


Norms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026

Norms and Standards in respect of Tariffs for Water Supply Services directly to consumers

21. Drought tariffs and seasonal tariffs


(1) A WSA/WSP may determine and levy a drought tariff when abstraction of water gets restricted due to drought and on condition that it has been declared by the relevant authority.
(a) a WSA/WSP must follow the same procedure as described in these norms and standards when setting and approving drought tariffs:
(i) if drought tariffs have not been approved as part of the water supply tariffs, a WSA/WSP must follow the processes described in these norms and standards before implementing drought tariffs;
(ii) drought tariffs shall not apply to the first or lowest tariff block as described in sub-regulation 18(2)(a)(iii) or to the first tariff block with FBW supply as described in sub-regulation 18(2)(b); and
(b) the implementation of the drought tariff shall be triggered by restrictions on raw water abstractions as a reaction to the drought conditions.
(c) every WSA/WSP shall, under the circumstances above, revise the budget and calculate a new tariff based on the revised budget and the restricted water volumes.
(d) a WSA/WSP must:
(i) use a tariff that minimises the economic and social costs related to water conservation measures;
(ii) use a tariff that will encourage households to reduce consumption to the sustainable drought level within the restrictions with little time lag; and
(iii) consider the reliability of supply during drought by assessing the water resources available to the area prior to the declaration of drought in that area;
(iv) a WSA/WSP must provide households with prior notification of the implementation of drought tariffs or the activation of water conservation measures using at least two sources of media.


(2) A WSA/WSP may determine and levy a tariff that seeks to promote Water Conservation and Water Demand Management in the area of supply.
(a) a WSA/WSP may determine and approve a seasonal tariff within its area of supply .
(b) the purpose of the seasonal tariff is solely to manage water demand and promote water conservation during peak seasons;
(c) the application and approval of a seasonal tariff will follow the same procedure as prescribed under regulation 6; and
(d) a WSA/WSP must notify households of the implementation of seasonal tariffs via the same process of disclosing water supply tariffs as described in sub-regulation 22(1).