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Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)


Norms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026

Norms and Standards in respect of Tariffs for Sanitation Services supplied directly to consumers

29. Tariffs for sanitation services other than for domestic consumption or industrial use


(1) A WSA/WSP must structure tariffs for sanitation services to consumers who primarily use sanitation services for a use other than those identified under regulation 27 and 28 in a way that takes into account:—
(a) the viability and sustainability of sanitation services;
(b) incentives to reduce the wasteful or inefficient water use in conveying sewage; and
(c) Promote health and hygiene in public spaces like schools and hospitals.


(2) The requirements of sub-regulation 29(1) are deemed to have been met where the sanitation tariff to households who are connected to a reticulation system that supplies water to each household through an individually metered connection, is set as a charge on a percentage of the volume of water used.


(3) In determining the sanitation tariffs for the schools' consumer category, the WSA or WSP should structure the tariff in such a manner that it is a uniform method notwithstanding the different locations of the schools and prioritise the affordability of the services for such category.


(4) It is encouraged that sanitation charges be based on factors related to water consumption at measurement usage, however other factors that enhance the sustainability of sanitation services and potentially meeting other socio-economic imperatives may be used in determining the charges.